10 Things Mom’s Bodies Go Through That Nobody Warned You About & How You CAN Heal Them Quickly

A quick word from Dr Judy


There is nothing in this world that can prepare any mother for that moment she holds her tiny joy for the first time. The elation, the not-knowing, the nerves, the uncertainty – It can be overwhelming.


Learning how to care for a newborn can be a daunting experience, while still trying to figure out our new body rhythms and changes.


I decided to compile this short eBook for women everywhere. While you may perhaps feel embarrassed about what you are experiencing or remain silent, remember you are not alone. There is no embarrassment or shame in the changes we have all gone through. There is hope.


My colleagues and I have helped many women who decided to take the leap and begin their healing processes.


If you have been experiencing the after-effects of childbirth, menopause or even if you have never had children – we’re here to help you heal and understand your body better.


I am excited to be sharing this information with you, as it has transformed many women’s lives. May this book contain the answers and solutions you have been searching for.



Dr. Judy Cooper



I hear from many mothers almost on a daily basis about their struggles after having their babies, and I can tell you not all of these struggles are about learning to live without sleep or keeping up with their bundles of joy.


It’s not the household chores, work, or even keeping up with their lives as much as coming to grips with their bodily changes.


Many women find it hard to adjust to the changes that they experience after giving birth. Their bodies prior to pregnancy opposed to post pregnancy, are poles apart. As this subject is not widely discussed all too often and openly, many women remain silent with the belief that it is part of becoming a mother.


Through embarrassment or shyness, many women would rather suffer than speak about what is happening to them.


Up until now, the only option available to us has been surgery. This has played a large role in women learning to live with these problems and accepting them as the norm. It need not be so.


So many mothers are silently suffering with these issues:

  • Are you scared to sneeze, cough or exercise “Just in case…”?
  • Are you experiencing intimacy issues with low libido, dryness, numbed sensation and weakened muscle control?
  • Are you religiously practicing toning exercises without gaining any real results?
  • Are you being told that surgery is the only solution?


Whether you have only just had your first child, never had a child, or have even gone through menopause-Every woman will face bodily changes during the course of their lives.


Doctors may say that these changes are natural or permanent. Honestly, many are not.


Let’s take a look at the 10 things that nobody warned you about


  1. Losing Bladder Control - This is not a ‘given’ ladies! It does not mean that if this happens, this is your life. Stress incontinence can occur when women find themselves sneezing, laughing, coughing and even during exercise.
  2. Vaginal Dryness - Also not to be thought of as a normal state of affairs, vaginal dryness can occur during pregnancy as well as menopause. It is only natural that your hormone levels will change and fluctuate yet this could cause a constant nagging itch, discomfort as well as pain at times.
  3. Hormonal Changes - As your hormone levels change and fluctuate during either pregnancy or menopause, it is possible that your vaginal tissues my start thinning and shrinking due to moisture loss. Vaginal Atrophy is serious as it can lead to changes in the elasticity of the skin inside your vagina, causing pain during intimacy.
  4. Vaginal Tissue Changes - As like the rest of our bodies, our vagina’s are no different. During childbirth, aging and menopause, we will more than likely experience a loss of elastin and collagen. This is the reason for the loosening of the labia. It also contributes to the tone as well as firmness of our muscles not being as they once were.
  5. Weakened Pelvic Floor Muscles - Childbirth and aging are the two main factors that contribute to weakening our vaginal muscles. This can severely affect intimacy, as it can lead to weak orgasms and a very low libido, ultimately killing the passion.
  6. Vaginal Relaxation Syndrome - VSR, is when the vagina changes its structure after giving birth. Also as we grow older, our muscles tend to lose their tone due to a decline in tissue growth. This can also affect the vagina’s production of natural lubrication, as well as nerve response (sensation). This could cause a numb sensation during intimacy.
  7. Painful Intercourse - Some doctors attribute this pain to being period related after giving birth or due to the aging process, however, this discomfort can be directly linked to a number of related issues. Such as dryness, loss of elasticity, weakened muscles or even thinning or shrinking of the vaginal walls.
  8. Skin Tone & Texture - As we know, the skin around the vagina can be affected through childbirth. The labia changes from the pressure of delivery and will continue to change over time. In the past, the only remedy for this would have been surgery. Thankfully there are other options available now so that surgery is not necessary any longer.
  9. Vaginal Expansion - Again, this is not a given ladies! Your doctor may have told you about this happening. Of course during the birthing process it will happen, yet, it is not necessarily a given that it will be permanent. There are treatments available to restore the vagina to its original size and tone, that do not include surgery.
  10. Scar Tissue - Just when you thought we were out of the woods…scar tissue. Healing scar tissue can be a challenging task that can take a long time to heal at best. It can also cause a great deal of discomfort during intimacy. Most ladies dealing with this are told that the only way to improve their scarring is to have surgery.


Have you noticed the common thread?


Sadly, so many women over the years have had no other option but to go have surgery done. After the procedure they are house-bound and on bed rest for 6 weeks while they heal. It’s a painful process.


It is no wonder that so many women would rather suffer in silence than do anything about it.


Giving birth is a natural pain, that women as mothers can handle. Having a surgery to correct these issues is something no one wants.


Many of you may be confused about what to do now, if there really is a light at the end of the tunnel.


I am here to tell you, yes! Yes there is.


I am excited to be sharing this solution with you, it is ground breaking and will change the lives of every woman today-A far way into our future.


The Solution in a nutshell


We have found a ground breaking, non-surgical procedure that has recently come to the US from Europe, where it was tried and tested for 10 years first. It is called The Juliet ER:YAG Laser.


The Juliet ER:YAG Laser, is one of only two lasers that have been FDA approved since March 2018.


What is The Juliet ER:YAG Laser?


It is state of the art ER:YAG laser technology founded and developed in Europe before coming to the US


Similar in look and feel, to an internal vaginal ultrasound machine


How does it all work?


The procedure is completely non-surgical and non-invasive. They can be likened to having an internal vaginal ultrasound, with a mild bit of heat.


You can easily have it done during your lunch break and still go straight back to work afterwards.


How many procedures are required?


Typically we recommend 3 procedures to all our patients for them to gain the maximum benefits from the ER:YAG laser.


What results can you expect during your ER:YAG procedure?


The results will start showing within 24-48 hours after your first appointment. You will start seeing and feeling the difference almost immediately.


Let me break it down for you, so that you can understand better what I am talking about here.

After your First Procedure

Your collagen will be restored to 35% of what it was when you were younger.

After your Second Procedure

Within 4-6 weeks, your collagen, firmness and tone will be restored to 70% of what it was when you were younger.

If your symptoms have cleared up and there are no signs of what you were suffering from prior to your appointments, we recommend we keep your Third as a Tune-up (Just in case you may need it in a few months time).


How will you feel after ?


You will be able to sneeze, cough and exercise without any more embarrassing moments.


No more painful intimacy, you will have increased sensation & libido with intensified orgasms.


Itching, discomfort and pain will be a thing of the past


You will feel more at peace and content, as the laser helps balance out your hormones.


This is what our Patients are saying


“After I gave birth to my children, my body changed and sex life was not as satisfactory. My healthcare provider recommended the Juliet laser. The effects were immediately visible for me and improved over time. One month after the treatment,I still notice continuous improvements in tightness. It’s made a huge difference, I feel like I’m 18 again, which is great.” –LT


“I was uncertain about all the changes happening to my body and asked my physician about it. He recommended the Juliet procedure as an alternative to hormone therapy. I noticed an improvement soon after the first treatment and continuing improvement even after the last treatment. I highly recommend Juliet. It has restored my confidence and renewed intimacy in my life.” – JW


“I underwent the Juliet treatment to improve dryness and pain during intercourse. I was extremely surprised when my urinary issues improved as well. Now I can cough and sneeze again without a problem. It also decreased my sense of urgency to urinate.” – PM


“I decided to try the new Juliet treatment. I didn’t feel any pain during the procedure and I can’t believe how good the results have been for me. It improved my sexual life and I don’t have any problems with accidental urination.” – ML


Who is this for?

  • Women who have been told surgery is the only choice.
  • Women who have had children or are having vaginal changes.
  • Women who have trouble sneezing, coughing or laughing.
  • Women who have/are experiencing hormonal changes or menopause.
  • Women who have given up on pelvic floor toning exercises.


What’s the next step?


If you feel that this is for you, jump on our website and get in touch with us. We will call you right back to book your first free consultation.


We can discuss everything in depth and see if you would be a good candidate for the procedure.


In the meantime if you wish to learn more, feel free to visit our website where you will find more in depth information on the process.


We look forward to helping you take back your body and your life.


Warm wishes,

Dr Judy and the Sierra Blanca Laser Team


Ruidoso, NM

(575) 425-0792


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