Clinical Results

Clinical experience from professional users around the world

Gynecologist and pelvic floor surgeon

University Gynecologic Clinic of Jena, Germany
“The majority of my patients who have undergone Juliet reported improvement of genito-urinary symptoms after two treatment courses and an evaluation interval of 6 weeks. The treatment is nonsurgical, non-hormonal, minimally invasive, not painful, and not time-consuming. Juliet has the potential to develop as a new alternative concept for gynecologists to help improving quality of life of their patients.”



Urologist And Andrologist
Clinic Professor Yutskovskaya’s in Moscow, Russia
“Juliet is a perfect instrument in my daily practice because I can use it to treat different kind of pathologies like vaginal atrophy, SUI and vaginal laxity. It is a new concept for gynecologists, urologists and urogynecologists and it will help us to bring our clinical results to a new level, allowing us to treat patients with contraindications for surgery and hormone replacement therapy in a non-surgical, non-hormonal, and minimally invasive way.”




Director of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department
San Gerardo Hospital, University Of Milano-Bicocca in Monza , Italy
“We find Juliet an excellent, brand new option for women with genitourinary syndrome. All of our patients who have undergone Juliet reported improvement in vaginal health and in quality of life.


Director of Bariatric Surgery Department
Algarhoud Private Hospital in Dubai
“In the department of bariatric surgery we have been using Juliet to treat stress urine incontinence and vaginal laxity in obese patients with BMI above 40. The results were extremely satisfactory compared to our initial expectations. Our patients are satisfied with the change in life Juliet has offered them, being non-surgical, non-hormonal and most importantly complication free.”

Historical Results

Histological studies show neocollagenogenesis and neoangiogenesis processes already visible in histological samples taken at 7 days after one treatment. All patients in this sample reported moreover after 7 days better vaginal lubrication, reduction / no dispareunia, better quality of sexual life and reduction in urinary urgency, frequency and urine loss.

REFERENCE: University of Milan – Bicocca, San Gerardo Hospital, Monza, Italy – Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology

HISTOLOGICAL PREPARATION Hematoxylin & Eosin (200x)

 A: The sample at day 0 shows an altered epithelium stratification with presence of cornification and superficial areas characterized by very low cellularity. The epithelium appears atrophic and a flattening of the dermal papillae at the dermoepidermal junction can be recognized


 B: At day 7 (after one treatment) the pavement epithelium appears well organized, with compact structure and presence of several nuclei, both in the deeper and superficial layers. The depth of the dermal papillae appears moreover increased, showing good tissue vitality.


C: 30 days after 1 treatment Neocollagenogenesis and Angiogenesis processes are still visible and further widespread; a re-gained uniformity of the tissue is the evidence of efficient tissue regeneration. In addition, the new collagen formation can be recognized through the white stripes visible in the deeper layers.

Several international studies show the efficacy of the Erbium:YAG technology in the treatment of Vaginal Atrophy, Laxity, and Stress Urinary Incontinence.

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